Webinar: Meditation Break

Meditation is an ancient practice that has a growing body of evidence showing its value in health and well-being. Everyone can meditate – no prior experience required. Please join us for a drop-in Meditation Break every Wednesday at noon. The meditation will last approximately 20 minutes. Each session is separate so you can join us as your schedule permits. We will practice Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) which is practiced sitting in a chair, using a method of breathing that causes a shift in attention and breath rhythm to create a physiological connection between the nervous, endocrine, respiratory and circulatory systems, literally uniting the heart, mind and body. HRM also brings out the ‘power of the heart’ through focusing on your heart and all of its dimensions: physical, emotional, and energetic. Lisa Wilhelm will be guiding the meditations. She has completed several intensive meditation training programs in HRM through the Institute for Applied Meditation based in Tucson, Arizona.
Please contact Lisa at 717-531-1038 for more information. Due to COVID, Meditation Break is via Zoom only (audio).

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Meeting ID: 366 995 5967


Dec 01 2021


12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

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Lisa Wilhelm
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