Social & Intellectual well-Being

Business Employee Resource Groups

Penn State Health’s Business Employee Resource Groups, also known as BERGs, provide the opportunity to connect with others who have similar cultures and backgrounds, while helping build a more inclusive environment. Current BERG categories include: 
  • Disability
  • Interfaith
  • LGBTQ+ 
  • Military/veteran
  • Multicultural
  • Next Generation
Employees are welcome to join more than one BERG.
Penn State Health has established the following additional resource groups: 
  • Asian Professionals Association (APA)
  • Black Professionals Association (BPA)
  • Hispanic Professionals Association (HPA)
  • International Professionals Association (IPA)
  • Network for Underrepresented Residents and Fellows (NURF)
To join a Penn State Health BERG or resource group, complete this short survey.
To order a Penn State Health BERG flyer, email

Tuition Benefits

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Tuition Reimbursement

Penn State Health wants to invest in you and your future, so we offer Tuition Reimbursement to our full-time employees for any college/university courses and qualifying certification programs. Reimbursements are 100% of base tuition up to the IRS maximum of $5,250 per calendar year.

For more information, review policy HR58.

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Penn State and Penn College of Technology Discount

Full-time employees of the Hershey Medical Center have access to a Penn State University or Penn College of Technology discount of 75% for themselves and their dependents.

For more information, review policy HR12 for employees and HR41 for dependents.

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How to Apply

To apply for tuition reimbursement or the Penn State and Penn College of Technology discount, log on to Your username is your Employee ID, and the default password is your date of birth in the following format: MMDDYYYY. How-to guides are available through mySolutions by searching Tuition.Io.

Note: Applications must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the start of the course/semester.

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Public Service Loan Forgiveness

As a non-profit health system, Penn State Health employees may be eligible for the federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. If qualified, employees can pay-off their student loan debt in as little as ten years. For more information and or assistance, go to