
Limiting Social Media Use

Limiting Social Media Use

Social media can help you connect with others by providing a space to keep up with loved ones and communities. However, social media isn't always helpful. In fact, reports that using social media platforms too much can increase your risk for depression,...

Routine maintenance: Everyday healing for helpers

Routine maintenance: Everyday healing for helpers

Written by: Kelly Fuddy, Staff Support Chaplain When she first started working as a health care chaplain, Kelly Fuddy, chaplain at Hershey Medical Center, was full of joy and optimism about her work. People would say, “I don’t know how you do it”, and she’d feel very...

Suicide awareness

Suicide awareness

Suicide affects thousands of people each year. It is also the 12th leading cause of death among the human population. September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, an ideal time to learn how to approach someone you care about, know what to say and help...

Stress first aid

Stress first aid

One of the most important factors in our overall emotional well-being is managing our stress – which is easier said than done, of course. What is stress first aid? Stress first aid is a framework to improve recovery from stress reactions, both in oneself and in...

Emotional and Spiritual Wellness for Penn State Health

Emotional and Spiritual Wellness for Penn State Health

Laura Ramsey and Kelly Fuddy, staff support chaplains at Hershey Medical Center, see the everyday impact that working in health care can have on our emotional and spiritual health. "We are honored to talk with staff to find out how their days are truly going. We hear...

Stress Management for Parents

Stress Management for Parents

You work hard in a high-stress job. You fight traffic to pick your kids up from daycare, school or sports. Then you go from chauffeur to chef at home. No wonder toddler tantrums, or teenage rebellion can push a parent over the edge. Learning to manage stress can give...

Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance

There was a time when the boundaries between work and home were fairly clear. Today, however, work is likely to invade your personal life, and maintaining work-life balance is no simple task. Technology that enables constant connection to work can eat into time at...

Helping your Child Succeed in School

Helping your Child Succeed in School

For children to be successful in school, parents must be actively engaged in their children’s learning. Many studies show that parents’ involvement in school is more important to their children’s academic success than the parents’ level of education or income. By...

Back-to-School Tips for Parents

Back-to-School Tips for Parents

Back-to-school time can be a hectic time for both you and the kiddos. These are some of our best back-to-school tips to help ensure this school year gets off to a great start! 1. Visit the school Walk or ride the route your child will take and make a note of school...

Support Student Mental Health

Support Student Mental Health

Going back to school can be an exciting time, but it can also be stressful, especially for students who may have experienced bullying, anxiety, depression or trauma. Now more than ever students are coping with intense experiences including school shootings, natural...