The holidays are fast approaching and with endless gatherings, to-do lists, and the countdown to the end of the year – sleep is often sacrificed. For the sake of your physical and mental wellness, keeping your sleep in check over the next few months will be essential. Here’s why.

Adequate Sleep

Detangle the assumption that you can operate effectively on minimal sleep. The amount of shut eye you get is a direct reflection on how your body reacts to everything else. Inadequate sleep can affect everything from your weight and increased risk of heart disease to mental health and focus. Aim for 7-9 hours nightly so your body has a long enough cycle to relax, reset, and recover.

Cognitive Function

Do you notice yourself feeling foggy or having a hard time remembering basic details? It could be caused by lack of sleep. Sleep is critical for cognitive function affecting your ability to think clearly, make decisions, and process information. Even when at rest, your brain is doing hard work. A good night’s sleep is essential for everyday functioning like being alert, exercising problem-solving skills, and having emotional and social intelligence. Conversely, lack of sleep can lead to irritability, mood swings, and decreased motivation.

Physical Health

Sleep is just as important for your physical health as it is for your mental health. Quality sleep leads to hormone regulation that directly affects appetite, immune function, and performance. Inadequate sleep can make you more susceptible to weight gain and poor metabolism, illnesses and burnout, and lethargy – be it endurance and energy during a workout or even when performing the simplest tasks like emptying the dishwasher.  

Chronic Conditions

Developing chronic health conditions are so often linked to the lack of healthy living such as proper diet and exercise. Sleep should not be overlooked. Insufficient sleep increases the risk of developing hypertension, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, depression, and anxiety. Your entire body will feel stronger due to the sleep you feed it, resulting in decreased risks.

The perfect recipe is as simple as good sleep equals good health. Through all the stages of a proper sleep cycle, your body is preparing to wake feeling refreshed with optimal brain and body functions. While you might have the occasional poor night’s sleep, keep in mind just how vital a good night’s sleep actually is. Don’t neglect shut eye, prioritize it!

Source: SupportLinc EAP – Wellbeing place