Empower Resources

Feel inspired about your financial future with expert insights, interactive learning tools, calculators and more from the Empower Learning Center

SupportLinc EAP – Legal Assistance

Whether you’ve been in a traffic accident or are in a neighborly dispute, no-cost legal guidance is available from your SupportLinc EAP. Schedule a 30-minute phone or in-person legal consultation at 1-888-881-5462. You also have access to helpful articles, DIY forms, tip sheets and other legal resources on the SupportLinc web portal.

SupportLinc – Financial Wellness Trainings

Planning a financial future: Click here to register & view training

Preparing for the future means having financial resources to fall back on in the event of an emergency while building wealth with savings and investments. Yet too many of us are not saving like we should be. In this class, we will talk about some typical roadblocks to saving and how we can deal with them.

Be sure to check out other Wellness Trainings at on the BeWell website