Empower Resources

The myretirement Plan gives you access to an account dashboard that offers a real-time view of your spending, saving, debt and more with a single login.

Link accounts to easily track, manage and plan for all your financial priorities — and get a clear view of your net worth. Watch this video to learn more.

SupportLinc EAP – Financial Consultation

The program’s financial consultation resources provide access to seasoned financial professionals when needs arise:

  • Financial consultation hotline.  Financial counselors can address questions regarding financial management, including debt reduction, home buying, budgeting, college planning and bankruptcy prevention.
  • Debt management planning.  Learn how to work with creditors to build repayment plans for unsecured debt.
  • Bankruptcy prevention.  Understand the ramifications of bankruptcy filing determine whether other options are more appropriate.
  • Housing education.  SupportLinc financial counselors help you prepare for a home purchase. They can also outline options for keeping your home in times of financial distress.

To explore the financial resources available within SupportLinc, contact 888-881-5462 anytime, day or night.

SupportLinc – Financial Wellness Trainings

Managing your money in tough times: Click here to register & view training

For years we have heard that if you follow sound financial practices and stick to a plan with a solid foundation, you will come out ahead. Financial times today have changed not only the rules, but also how we need to react. In this session, we will try to give you new ways to think and new actions to implement to not only survive tough financial times, but actually come out even, if not ahead.

Be sure to check out other Wellness Trainings at on the BeWell website